CP 1243-7 LTE
Operating Instructions, 04/2017, C79000-G8976-C381-03
Documentation references
Where to find Siemens documentation
Article numbers
You will find the article numbers for the Siemens products of relevance here in the
following catalogs:
SIMATIC NET - Industrial Communication / Industrial Identification, catalog IK PI
SIMATIC - Products for Totally Integrated Automation and Micro Automation, catalog
ST 70
You can request the catalogs and additional information from your Siemens
representative. You will also find the product information in the Siemens Industry Mall at
the following address:
Link: (
Manuals on the Internet
You will find SIMATIC NET manuals on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online
Link: (
Go to the required product in the product tree and make the following settings:
Entry type “Manuals”
Manuals on the data medium
You will find manuals of SIMATIC NET products on the data medium that ships with many
of the SIMATIC NET products.
S7-1200 Programmable Controller
System Manual
Siemens AG
Current release at the following address:
Link: (