Program blocks
5.2 Programming SMS messages via OUC
CP 1243-7 LTE
Operating Instructions, 04/2017, C79000-G8976-C381-03
Programming SMS messages
Sending SMS messages to one partner
To do this, create the following blocks or system data types (alternatives):
T TCON_Phone
Receiving SMS messages from one partner
To do this, create the following blocks or system data types (alternatives):
If you do not program a phone number in the "PhoneNumber" parameter of the
TCON_Phone system data type, the CP cannot receive any SMS messages.
Receiving SMS messages from several partners
As an alternative, you can create a separate block set for each partner as described above
for 1 partner or a single block set with the following special feature in the TCON_PHONE
If you enter an asterisk (*) after the phone number body in the "PhoneNumber" parameter of
the TCON_Phone block, the asterisk acts as a placeholder for all authorized phone numbers
with this phone number body.
You configure the phone numbers authorized for access to the CP in STEP 7 in the
"Security" parameter group of the CP.
Message text to be sent in the "DATA" parameter
You enter the message text as a string in the "DATA" parameter of TSEND or TSEND_C.
A message can contain up to 160 characters. If the message text contains more than 160
characters, the text is distributed over two or more SMS messages.
Reading out the message text from the "DATA" parameter
To receive an SMS message, program the message text to be read out in the TRCV /
TRCV_C in the "DATA" parameter via a data block DB.
Create a DB of the data type "Struct". Open the properties dialog of the DB (shortcut menu
of the DB) and disable optimized block access in the "Attributes" parameter group.