Risk of chemical burns/poisoning through caustic/toxic residues on components with
sample gas contact
After the device has been decommissioned or removed from the measuring channel,
process gas residues can exist as deposits on components with sample gas contact
(e.g., gas filter, gas-carrying lines etc.). These residues can be odorless or invisible
depending on the gas mixture in the duct. Without protective clothing, contact with such
contaminated components can lead to severe burns or poisoning.
Take appropriate protective measures for work (e.g., by wearing a safety mask, pro‐
tective gloves and acid resistant clothes).
In case of contact with skin or the eyes, rinse immediately with clear water and
consult a doctor.
Decontaminate all contaminated components according to regulations after disas‐
Electrical safety
Electrical accident through bare, live lines
When uninstalling, unsecured, live lines can lead to serious accidents.
Switch the power supply to the device off before starting uninstallation.
If power supply is required during uninstallation: Secure all live lines during unin‐
stallation work so that nobody can be injured.
Hazard by voltage
Lines in the subassemblies of the measuring system are live and can cause serious
injuries through electric shock when touched.
Disconnect the subassemblies or lines involved from the power supply during
installation, maintenance and repair work.
Monitoring and diagnostic system
The device has an integrated system that continually checks the operating state of the
SR-unit and the control unit. Corresponding messages are displayed for deviations from
the normal state and recorded in the devices for later evaluation. Messages for the two
system components are categorized into error messages and warning messages
depending on the anticipated effects:
Significance of warning messages
Measuring results are not (yet) directly influenced by a deviating system state.
Observance and clearance of the cause(s), e.g., through maintenance measures,
are necessary to prevent subsequent errors or device damage
Significance of malfunction messages
Measuring operation is no longer possible or no longer reliable.
Warning and error messages are stored in the built-in message memory of the control
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | GM700 Ex
8019532/100Q/V1-1/2018-08 | SICK
Subject to change without notice