Grounding point 3
Insulated mounting
Grounding point 2
Ground potential difference
Grounding point 1
Metal housing
Shielded electrical cable
Even in the event of large differences in the ground potential, ground loops are effec‐
tively prevented. As a result, equalizing currents can no longer flow via the cable shields
and metal housing.
The voltage supply for the device and the connected peripheral devices must also guar‐
antee the required level of insulation.
Under certain circumstances, a tangible potential can develop between the insulated
metal housings and the local ground potential.
Wiring instructions
Pre-assembled cables can be found online at:
Faults during operation and device or system defects!
Incorrect wiring may result in operational faults and defects.
Follow the wiring notes precisely.
Configure the circuits connected to the device as ES1 circuits or as SELV circuits (SELV
= Safety Extra Low Voltage). The voltage source must meet the requirements of ES1
and PS2 (EN 62368-1) or SELV and LPS (EN 60950-1).
Protect the device with an external slow-blow fuse at the beginning of the supply cable.
The required fuse rating is 2 A slow-blow.
Connect the connecting cables in a de-energized state. Do not switch on the supply volt‐
age until installation is complete and all connection work on the device and controller
has been finished.
Wire cross-sections in the supply cable from the customer’s power system must be
implemented in accordance with the applicable standards.
In the case of open end cables, make sure that bare wire ends do not touch. Wires
must be appropriately insulated from each other.
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | Lector63x Flex C-mount and S-mount
8018071/16XD/2020-05-06 | SICK
Subject to change without notice