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Bank Interleave
The interleave number of internal banks, can be set to 2 way, 4 way
interleave or disabled. For VCM and 16Mb type dram chips, the
bank interleave is fixed at 2 way interleave.
When the dram timing is selected by SPD, it will be set by the value
on SPD of the RAM module(DDR or SDR).
The Choice: Disabled, 2 Bank, or 4 Bank.
DRAM Drive Strength
This item enables the system to automatically select its output buffer
drive strength or make it manually selectable by an end user.
The Choice: Auto or Manual.
DRAM Drive Value
This item enables an end user to manually select the DRAM output
buffer drive strength.
Key in a HEX number: Min=0000, Max=00FF.
Memory Hole
In order to improve performance, some space in memory can be
reserved for ISA cards.
The Choice: Disabled or 15M-16M.
P2C/C2P Concurrency
This item allows you to enable/disable the PCI to CPU and CPU to
PCI concurrently.
The Choice: Enabled or Disabled.
Fast R-W Turn Around
This item controls the DRAM Timing. It allows you to enable/
disable the fast read/write turn-around.
The Choice: Enabled or Disabled.
System BIOS Cacheable
Selecting Enabled allows caching of the system BIOS ROM at
F0000h-FFFFFh, resulting in better system performance. However, if
any program is written to this memory area, a system error may
The choice: Enabled or Disabled.