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Figure 2-1
The following examples show the conventions used in this chapter.
Finger 3 set to ON,
the others set to OFF
Finger 4, 6 set to ON,
the others set to OFF
Insert a jumper pack on J19
Row 2-3 to set CPU voltage
Remove jumper pack from J19
and insert mini on pin A, C, D on
Row 1-2 to set voltage on 3.3V
Table 2-1
This chapter is designed for explaining how to configure the HOT-597 hardware. After you install the
main board, you can set jumpers, install memory on the main board, and make case connectors. Refer to
this chapter whenever you upgrades or reconfigure your system.
Jumper Setting
This section describe the necessary procedures and proper jumper settings to configure the HOT-597
main board.
Jumper pin headers show on right side are used to
configure system clock, CPU multiplier voltages and
SDRAM clock speed.
System Clock and CPU Clock Multiplier - SW1
DIP siwtch finger 1 to finger 3 are used to adjust
System Clock from 66 to 100 MHz, finger 4 to finger 6
used to adjust CPU Clock Multiplier from 1.5x to 5.5x.
CPU Voltages - J19
Jumper group J19 are used to adjust onboard voltages
output from Switching regulators to CPU.
Futher more, HOT-597 Mainboard provide intelligent
CPU Voltages detecting and auto-adjusting function.
Enable this function by inserting a mini jumper pack on J19 row 2/3 (factory default), none of other mini
jumpers are required on jumper group J19. HOT-597 Mainboard will assign proper voltages to CPU
SDRAM Clock Speed - Jumper JP9
HOT-597 support 100MHz external clock speed AMD 266MHz and 400MHz K6-2, and which allows
the user to use 66MHz normal SDRAM DIMM or 100MHz PC/100 SDRAM DIMM. Jumpers JP9 are
used to set SDRAM DIMM clock speed synchronous with System Clock (CPU External Clock) or
synchronous with AGP Clock.
Those hardware settings are made through the use of jumper caps to connect jumper pins on the main