AGP Driving Control
This item can be used to signal driving current on AGP cards to auto or
Manual. Some AGP cards need stronger driving current in order to
operate. We recommend that you set this item to Auto.
The choice: Auto, Manual
AGP Driving Value
When the previous item AGP Driving Control is set to Manual, you can
use this item to set the AGP current driving value.
The choice: Min:0000 ~ Max:00FF.
K7 CLK_CTL Select
This item adjusts CPU clock to match internal clock.
The choice: Default, Optimal.
On Chip USB
This should be enabled if your system has a USB installed on
mainboard and you wish to use it.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
On Chip USB2
This should be enabled if your system has front panel USB ports
installed on the mainboard and you wish to use them.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
USB Keyboard Support
Enable the function when the USB keyboard is being used. Disabled it
when an AT keyboard is used.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
USB Mouse Support
Enable the function when USB mouse is being used.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
OnChip Sound
Disabling this function turns off onboard audio chip.
The choice: Auto, Disabled.