Phantom 250 Spot
Product code: 40081
Requirements for the User
This product may be used by ordinary persons. Maintenance may be carried by ordinary persons.
Installation and service shall be carried out only by instructed or skilled persons. Contact your Highlite
dealer for more information.
Instructed persons have been instructed and trained by a skilled person, or are supervised by a skilled
person, for specific tasks and work activities associated with the installation, service and maintenance of
this product, so that they can identify risks and take precautions to avoid them.
Skilled persons have training or experience, which enables them to recognize risks and to avoid hazards
associated with the installation, service and maintenance of this product.
Ordinary persons are all persons other than instructed persons and skilled persons. Ordinary persons
include not only users of the product but also any other persons that may have access to the device or
who may be in the vicinity of the device.