Serves 4
2 medium aubergines
125g onion, chopped
50g mushroom, chopped
30ml (2 tbsp) tomato purée
15ml (1 tbsp) garlic purée
250g canned tuna, drained
75g canned sweetcorn
75g cheddar cheese, grated
1 Cut the aubergines in half lengthways and score
the flesh with a knife. Sprinkle with salt and leave
for 30 minutes. Rinse well.
2 Scoop out the flesh from the aubergines and
finely chop. Add to tuna mixture and mix well.
3 Place the aubergine, onion and mushroom in a
bowl and cook on 70P for 3 minutes until soft.
4 Add the tomato purée, garlic purée, tuna and
5 Pile the mixture into each aubergines half and
sprinkle with cheese.
6 Place in a flan dish and cook on 70P for 10 minutes.
Serves 4
4 salmon steaks (approx. 175g each)
45ml (3 tbsp) dry white wine
300ml (
pint) mustard sauce (See Page 47)
1 sprig of fresh rosemary to garnish
1 Place the salmon steaks in a large flan
pierce in several places and add the wine.
Cover and cook on 70P for 8 minutes. Allow
to stand whilst preparing the sauce.
2 Place the salmon steaks in a warm serving
dish, reheat on 100P for 1 minute. Serve the
sauce separately.
3 Garnish with a sprig of fresh rosemary.
Serves 4
900g potatoes, peeled and chopped
135ml (9 tbsp) water
25g margarine
30 - 60ml (2 - 4 tbsp) milk
salt and pepper to taste
900g fish fillets (e.g. fresh cod)
300ml (
pint) white sauce (See Page 47)
10ml (2 tsp) dried dill
1 Place potatoes in a bowl, add the water.
Cover and cook on 100P for 20 minutes, until
soft enough to mash. Mash with margarine,
milk and seasoning.
2 Place fish in a flan dish in a single layer, cover and
cook on 70P for 14 minutes. Flake the fish and
mix into the sauce. Add the dill and mix well.
3 Pour into a 25cm (10") round, 5cm (2") deep
glass dish. Spread the potatoes on top.
4 Cook on 70P for 20 minutes.
Serves 4
10ml (2 tsp) indonesian curry paste
20ml (4 tsp) sweet chilli sauce
5ml (1 tsp) garlic purée
5ml (1 tsp) tomato purée
5ml (1 tsp) english mustard powder
50g soured cream
100g couscous, tomato flavour
4 salmon steaks (approx. 225g each)
1 Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl,
except the couscous and salmon.
2 Add 100g boiling water to a small bowl and
add the couscous, leave in bowl for 5 minutes.
3 Mix well then add the curry paste and stir.
4 Place equal amounts of couscous mixture in the
centre of the thin ends of the steaks.
5 Place the fillets into a flan dish and cook on 70P
for 10 minutes.
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