8: Using Ethernet Communication
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Enter Key: (The maximum length of the passphrase is 63 characters. EIG rec-
ommends using a passphrase of 20 characters or more for maximum security.)
Encryption: 0=TKIP, 1=TKIP+WEP <0> ? Set the type to the minimum
required security level. The “+” sign indicates that the group (broadcast)
encryption method is different from the pairwise (unicast) encryption (WEP
and TKIP).
TX Data rate: 0=fixed, 1=auto fallback <1>? 1
TX Data rate: 0=1, 1=2, 2=5.5, 3=11, 4=18, 5=24, 6=36, 7=54 Mbps <7>?
Enter data transmission rate, e.g., 7 for 54Mbps.
Minimum Tx Data rate: 0=1, 1=2, 2=5.5, 3=11, 4=18, 5=24, 6=36,
7=54 Mbps <0>? 0
Enable Power management <N>? Y
Enable Soft AP Roaming <N>? N
Max Failed Packets (6-64, 255=disable) <6>? 6
If you select “3” (WPA2/802.11i), you will make the following settings:
Change Key <N> Y
Display Key <N> N
Key Type 0=hex, 1=passphrase <0> 1
Enter Key: (The maximum length of the passphrase is 63 characters. EIG rec-
ommends using a passphrase of 20 characters or more for maximum security.)
Encryption: 0=CCMP, 1=CCMP+TKIP, 2=CCMP+WEP, 3=TKIP, 4=TKIP+WEP
<3>? (Set the type to the minimum required security level. The “+” sign indi-
cates that the group (broadcast) encryption method is different from the pair-