6: Using the Watt-Hour Test Pulses
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
6: Using the MP200 Metering System’s
Watt-Hour Test Pulses
6.1: Overview
To be certified for revenue metering, power providers and utility companies must
verify that a billing energy meter performs to the stated accuracy. To confirm the
meter’s performance and calibration, power providers use field test standards to
ensure that the MP200 metering system’s energy measurements are correct. Since
the MP200 unit contains traceable revenue meters, it has utility grade test pulses that
can be used to gate an accuracy standard. This is an essential feature required of all
billing grade meters.
The MP200 unit has 8 Watt-hour test pulses. These pulses are located at the top of
the MP200 unit. Each test pulse is set up to provide a visible red LED output that is
proportional to the energy of each of the meters, as follows:
• For the MP200-Y unit, test pulses 1-8 are matched to the three phase meters 1-8.
• For the MP200-S unit with 24 single phase metering points, the pulses are shared,
with three metering points being set up for each pulse. To test one of the metering
points, you must be sure that no load is on the other two metering points assigned
to the pulse.
See the following sections for details, examples, and procedures for using the test
pulses. For information on the pulse specifications, see Chapter 2.
6.2: Performing Watt-Hour Accuracy Testing (Verification)
Table 6.1 shows the Wh/Pulse constants for accuracy testing.
Table 6.1: LED Pulse Constants for Accuracy Testing - Kh Watt-hour per pulse
Minimum pulse width is 90 milliseconds.
Input Voltage Level
Class 10 Models
Class 2 Models
Below 150 V
Above 150 V