Screen Shot with Test Results list activated.
1. At bottom of screen, there is a list box showing all the test results data files stored in
2. On connect, all the data files from the Pocket PC are copied to the main PC database. If a
file already exists with the same name, the file will not be copied.
3. If a new data file is created while connected, the new files can be uploaded by pressing
the ‘Refresh Test Results’ button. This will repeat the file upload procedure performed on
connect. (See Diagram 34)
Screen Shot with tests listed.
Diagram 34
To review a particular test (See Diagram 35):
1. Select the ID of the Unit Under Test from the drop-down list above the test results list (just
below the ‘Refresh Test Results’ button).
2. Press drop-down arrow at the right of the ID box.
3. Click on ID in box.
Diagram 35