CommandCenter Operator Panel
This document describes the different features of the Operator Panel (local or remote)
that is used with the Seresco units.
Startup Screens
When the unit start up you will see the following menu screen. A 60 second timer is
started and if no selection is made before timer expires, Normal Mode will automatically
be selected.
1. Normal Mode
2. Service Mode
Selecting Normal Mode will take you to the main sensor screen. If the voltage monitor
fault signal is not active, blower will start right away. If voltage monitor fault signal is
active, 60 second timer will continue running. When timer expires, the voltage monitor
fault signal will be checked again. If signal now is cleared, the blower will start,
otherwise blower will remain off and there will be a voltage monitor fault alarm.
Navigation Mode and Edit Mode
The menu system implements two different modes where the keys have different
meanings. Navigation mode is used to navigate the menu system and Edit mode is used
when changing data.
The following keys are used in Navigation mode:
Keys 1-3 (and 4-6) are used to select a menu item. If there are more than 6 menu
items, menu items will be listed 1-3 on every screen.
Up and Down arrows are used to scroll up or down a page. Arrows at the top right
corner indicates which direction you can scroll. If no more than 6 items either down
or up arrow will be displayed (no scrolling “around corner”). If more than 6 menu
items, both arrows will be displayed and you can scroll “around the corner”.
Obviously no arrows when 3 or less menu items.
Back key takes you back to previous menu level.
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