Seon Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide R004 44
Inertia G Sensor
Configuration with On Screen Display
Inertia/G Sensor
Figure 2-19
G Sensor Menu
The DX12 & TX8 DVR’S are able to display inertia G
Sensor information, by marking data in the meta block,
changing record settings, and sending emails. Each bus
yard or transportation facility has different
Requirements for G Sensor sensitivity settings.
SEON has found the following settings work in most
X – Forward/Back axis, set to +.6/-.6 and associate
with an alarm.
Y – Left/Right axis, set to +.6/-.6 and associate with
an alarm.
Z – Vertical axis, set to +.9/-.9 and do not associate
with an alarm.
These settings can be adjusted to fit specific
requirements. The lower the settings, the higher the
chances are of generating false alarms.
In the event that the G sensor is giving multiple false
alarms, adjust the X;Y;Z; Vector, threshold settings to a
higher value.
VALUE [Default]
Display only -
This field displays current values measured By the G Sensor
Set from .6 or higher. This value is the
acceptable amount of force the DVR can
withstand. Any value beyond the set threshold
will trigger the “output”, as set in the next field