HDD Group is only available for read-write HDD, other types of hard disks cannot be set
as HDD Group.
Current series software version can only set the HDD group operation of the read-write
HDDs. It is not for the redundancy HDD.
HDD Setting
Click the button “HDD Setting” in Figure 3-62, system will pop up an interface as below. See
Figure 3-64.
The number of hard disk from 1 to 16 is shown in the “HDD No.” column. If the HDD number is
highlighted, it means this interface have access to the hard disk, otherwise it does not have
access to the hard disk.
The “HDD Group” column lists the HDD Group number of current hard disk.
When you are setting the HDD Group, please choose the corresponding HDD Group number
from the dropdown list and save the settings.
Figure 3-64
HDD group here refers to the HDD port number it does not change in case you replace the HDD.
System needs to reboot to activate current setup after you set new HDD setup.
HDD Channel Setting
Click the button named with “Channel Setting” in Figure 3-62, system will pop up an interface
shown as in Figure 3-65.
Channel:: Here you can view the channel amount of the NVR.
Group name: It is the serial number of the HDD group management. If you set HDDs as group 1
and group 2, you can see there are only two HDD group numbers: Group 1 and Group 2.
Please make sure you have set HDD group for each channel, otherwise you can not save
current setup!