It is to set the sync periods between the device and the time server.
The update function is null if the value is 0.
2.6.2 Account
For the character in the following user name or the user group name, system max supports 6-digits.
The space in the front or at the end of the string is null. The valid string includes: character, number,
and underline.
The max user amount is 20 and the max group amount is 8. You can add or delete user group.
The factory default setup includes two levels: user and admin. .User management adopts
group/user modes. The user name and the group name shall be unique. One user shall be included
in only one group.
User name
In this interface you can add/remove user and modify user name. See Figure 2-52.
Figure 2-52
Add user:
It is to add a name to group and set the user rights. See Figure 2-53.
Here you can input the user name and password and then select one group for current user.
Please note the user rights shall not exceed the group right setup.
For convenient setup, please make sure the general user has the lower rights setup than the admin.