ProLogic L02-C
Operation Instructions
For example, using ID04 for 2
code will read “ID04 Verified”.
The lock will open and relock in 6 seconds.
2.4 Opening the Lock with a Multi-Lock System
The ProLogic L02-C can operate up to 4 locks.
To Open a Lock with a Multi-Lock System:
Step 1: Enter a valid code
The display will read “IDXX Verified”.
Step 2: The system will now prompt you to enter the number of the Lock to open
3.0 Code Management
The ProLogic L02-C comes with two default codes:
Super Code (ID00) is 111111
Manager Code (ID01) is 123456
It is strongly recommended that both these default codes are changed before the lock system is put into
The ProLogic L02-C has the capability to add up to 29 codes, in addition to the default codes.
ID02 is a Manager Code and therefore has management functionality (the same as ID01).
ID03-30 are User Codes.
3.1 Code Length Options
The ProLogic L02-C allows you the ability to manage the code length for all safe lock operators. This
requirement meets the UL specification for 1 million available unique codes. Setting the code length is a
global setting and applies to all safe lock operators – ID00 to ID30.
There are 3 options available as follows:
Code Length 6 digits – 10 total codes available - This is the default mode and meets the UL
Code Length 8 digits – 30 total codes available – This mode also meets the UL requirement.
Code Length 6 digits – 30 total codes available – This mode does not meet the UL requirement.