ProLogic L02-C
Operation Instructions
Step 4: Scroll
to the menu selection “Enable Dual Mode” and Press OK.
Step 5: Press OK.
Dual Mode has now been enabled. Two valid codes will be required to open the safe lock system.
ID00, ID01 and ID02 are Dual Mode Override Codes.
**Note to Disable Dual Mode: When Dual Mode is enabled this Menu Selection will change to
Disable Dual Mode. Therefore to Disable Dual Mode, follow the steps above.
6.2 Dual Mode Group ID
The ProLogic L02-C has the ability to establish a management rule related to the Dual Mode function.
This management rule is established in the menu selection “Dual Mode Group ID”. By enabling this
function, the available User codes of the lock are divided into two groups: Group A would be “Dual
Mode Managers” and Group B would be “Dual Mode Users”.
As you enter this menu selection, the system automatically defaults to “15”- this means that a User
Code from ID00 to ID15 (Group A) must be entered with a second code from ID16-ID30 (Group B) in
order to open the safe lock. Also Manager Codes are no longer Dual Mode Overide Codes.
You can set this number to any number from 1-15 by using the
buttons. If you set the number
to 04 – any user code from ID05-ID30 (Group B) must be entered in conjunction with ID01,ID02,ID03 or
ID04(group A) to open the lock. The lock will not open if two users of the same Group enter their codes
and Manager Codes are no longer Dual Mode Overide Codes.
If you set this number to 00, the function is turned off or disabled and normal Dual Mode rules apply –
any two valid codes can be entered to open the lock, and the Management Code (ID01,ID02) are Dual
Mode Overide Codes.
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button.
Step 2: Using the
, scroll to the System Menu and Press OK.
Step 3: The display will prompt you to enter a valid code. Enter either the Super Code (ID00) or
the Manager Code (ID01). The “Select Menu” message will be displayed as follows:
Step 4: Scroll
to the menu selection “Enable Dual Mode” and Press OK.