Lock B
Lock B
3.1 To add card user by Manager Add Card (only for Zone 1)
3. Manager Card Operation
Manager Add Card User Card Manager Add Card
Cards can be added continuously
3.2 To delete card user by Manager Delete Card (for both Zone 1 and Zone 2)
Manager Delete Card User Card Manager Delete Card
Cards can be deleted continuously
4. User Settings
4.1 To unlock the door by single card only: Read valid card once, the door will open.
Precondition: 1> Set the door entry by card only
2> Set “1” for opening the door by multi cards
4.2 To unlock the door by multi cards: Read 2-10 pcs valid cards (time interval can not exceed 5s), the door
will open.
Precondition: 1> Set the door entry by card only
2> Set “2-10” for opening the door by multi cards
4.3 To unlock the door for card and PIN users
Read valid card Input 4-6 digits PIN # , the door will open
4.4 To unlock the door for card or PIN users
Read valid card Or Input 4-6 digits PIN # , the door will open
4.5 Relay operation
Both of the two relays on board can operate in Pulse Mode (suitable for access control) or Toggle Mode (suitable for
arming/disarming alarms, switching lights, machines…etc)
Pulse Mode
Every time a valid card/tag read or PIN input in Pulse Mode, the relay will operate, for the pre-set relay pulse time.
Toggle Mode
Every time a valid card/tag read or PIN input in Toggle Mode, the relay changes state, which will not turn back until
read card/tag or input PIN again.