The Builder shall receive, store in a suitable manner and install on vessel at proper
times the above and any other articles consigned to him for the Owner's account for use
in the vessel. Suitable lockers, drawers or chocks shall be provided for dishes, utensils,
tools and instruments as required. No additional charge shall be made for this service
and the Builder will be responsible for the safekeeping of all such Owner supplied items.
2. Construction
2.1. General
This yacht is to be constructed using an carbon and epoxy resin composite laminate
over a honeycomb core using a vacuum bagged hand lay-up and post cured. The yacht
will be designed and built to comply with the ABS “Guide for Offshore Racing Yachts”.
General construction practices will be built in conformance with ABS standards and
guidelines and accepted modern boat building methods. The yacht shall be built in a
permanent building with adequate ventilation, insulation and light. The building shall
have proper equipment to control humidity, regulate temperature and to remove dust.
2.2. Weight Control
Control of weight is critical to the performance of the yacht. The Builder will provide for
periodic weighing of the boat using a calibrated load cell. The weight of construction
materials and components shall also be recorded. The construction material shall be
weighed prior to application on the vessel.
2.3. Dimensional Tolerances
Hull alignment and dimensions are to be monitored during the construction period. In
general the following structural tolerances will be followed:
20 mm
10 mm
10 mm
Shell Deflection: 0mm - 5mm (over one meter, before filler).
Fairness of hull and superstructure shell is to be maintained and Builder may take such
measures as additional stiffening, with the approval of the Architect, to achieve this end.
2.4. Materials
A recognized supplier SP Systems or equal, as agreed by the Builder and Architect will
supply all reinforcement fabrics. The primary reinforcement material is carbon fiber. The
resin is to be epoxy, SP Systems or equal, and approved by the reinforcement fabric
supplier and the Architect. The resin must be able to withstand temperatures of up to
140°F without distortion. The resin manufacturer's requirements and instructions shall
be strictly adhered to. Hull and deck are to be post cured per resin manufacturer’s
All hull and deck core materials are to be Corecell or equal. Core bond to be approved by
core manufacturer.