Se-Kure Controls,
3714 Runge Street • Franklin Park, IL 60131 • 1-(800) 322-2435 • (847) 288-1111 • Fax: (847) 288-9999
Rev. 1/29/99
©1999 Se-Kure Controls,
1. Alarm Problems
Alarm on, no apparent reason:
Verify that the sensor is properly secured to the product
Make sure sensor is properly installed
Sensors are properly plugged into ports
(All ports must have either a sensor or a shunt plugged in them)
All sensor lights must be red, if not, recheck attachment to product.
No Alarm
Make sure batteries are installed and the AC/DC power supply is
plugged in.
2. Beeping
Single beep, ever 30 seconds
Unit is disarmed, arm either by turning key on or by keying in the
proper code.
Double beep
Indicates low batteries, replace batteries
3. Keypad System
Cannot activate or de-activate the alarm system
Make sure you are using the correct code
(Press the star key [*] to clear the wrong code and key in the correct
Troubleshooting the “LE” Alarm System
Key Systems (SK-103LE) or Keypad Systems (SK-103KLE)