You can see the actual set main intensity in
the display
. At which proportional of
the set intensity is being effectively stimulat-
ed on a particular channel can be deduced
from the numbers between the two bars of
each channel.
When the intensity for your patient is being
pleasurably sensed, change the channel set-
ting mode to intensity setting (lateral). Touch
on the right hand arrow or depress the rotary/pressure controller. With
you terminate
the stimulation. To continue with the calibration, adjust the intensity again to a pleasurably
level and then proceed as outlined above.
Please Note:
After activating the
button you always arrive in the first calibration screen
in which you set the main intensity. Here it is immaterial at which stage of the calibration you
have discontinued the procedure. If you now touch on
, you exit the calibration and
continue with the evaluation of the calibration.
Having set the main intensity you now
change into the channel setting mode for the
lateral channels. A channel here always con-
sists of two opposing electrodes which are
displayed by the orange coloured flashing
bars. In this window you can align the intensi-
ty of each individual channel and set to a
pleasurable level for your patient. If you
return once more to the previous window
and wish to change the main intensity, stop
the calibration via the Stop button and adjust the intensity by turning the rotary/pressure
controller again to a stimulation level which is pleasurable for your patient.
In our example we have set the main intensity to a value of 50. In this window you also see
between the bars of the individual channels, with which proportional of the set main intensity
the respective channel stimulates. The basic setting on channel 12 far left is in this case 45 %.
The display
shows that the actual intensity is 22 with which channel 12 is stimulating.
This exactly represents the displayed 45 % of the main intensity 50. By turning the rota-
ry/pressure controller or touching and moving the sliding controller you can now change the
intensity of the selected channels. If, for example, the intensity on channel 12 is increased to a
value of 25, the proportional specification between the two bars of the selected channels is
automatically adjusted - in this case to 50 % of the main intensity.
Please Note:
Because the intensity proportional of each channel is automatically adjusted to
changes in the intensity, it is quite possible that 100 % is exceeded. It is also possible to set the
intensity level of individual channels in excess of the main intensity.