4 PC Interface Board
Rev. 1.3 e
4 Principle Of Operation
innovators for industry
4.7 Status Monitoring and
For status monitoring and diagnostic purposes, the
can be used to read a variety of
• XY2-100-compliant (or XY2-100 Enhanced-
compliant status) signals returned by the scan
– XY2-100-compliant status signals can be que-
ried via the
command, too.
– As specified by the XY2-100 Enhanced Protocol,
scan systems allow various data
signals for each axis to be transmitted sepa-
rately to the RTC
4 for evaluation (see
• the current value of the LASERON signal
• the current cartesian output values (coordinate
transformations defined by
have already been applied to these output values)
• the actual (digital) output values currently being
transmitted from the RTC
4 to the scan system
(image field correction will have already been
applied to these values in accordance with the
loaded correction file)
The command
can be used on each of
these signals to record their values over time – and
with a selectable sample period. The recorded values
are stored on the RTC
4. The command
can be used to transfer the recorded
values to the PC.
The current status of a measurement session started
can be obtained by calling the
4.8 intelli
- Additional
The XY2-100 Enhanced Protocol
The intelli
’s digital servo architecture provides
enhanced functionality not possible with the
XY2-100 protocol. To accommodate these new
features, a superset of the XY2-100 Protocol has been
created: the XY2-100 Enhanced Protocol. Essentially,
the enhancement extends the two receiving channels
to three receiving channels to allow separate, simul-
taneous evaluation of the X and Y status signals (and
also – when required – separate evaluation of the Z-
axis status signals).
The enhanced protocol is downward-compatible
with the XY2-100 Protocol. Thus, the intelli
can also be operated via all SCANLAB RTC
interface boards to thereby obtain the standard func-
tionality typical of traditional SCANLAB scan heads.
Achieving the intelli
’s full functionality,
though, requires use of the XY2-100 Enhanced
Protocol and an RTC
4 board.
Selecting Data Signals
The intelli
’s digital servo architecture allows a
wide variety of data signals to be returned to the
control board. Each axis is assigned its own status
channel which transmits data to the controller board
every 10
s: The STATUS channel is provided for the
X axis (galvanometerscanner 2) and the STATUS1
channel for the Y axis (galvanometerscanner 1). This
opens up possibilities such as monitoring the galva-
nometer scanners’ actual values during execution of
an application or carrying out comprehensive trou-
bleshooting in case of operational malfunction.
which data the scan head should return to the control
board. The available data signals are described in
detail in the intelli
Manual and in the
section of the command
reference. The selected data sources will be trans-
mitted until another source is selected.
Five seconds after every reboot or reset, a status word
compliant with the XY2-100 protocol is transmitted
(on all receive channels).