S.B.C. Elettronica S.p.A. - Engineering Division
HPDxxN – High Power User’s Manual
Digital input Y status
. If Y is greater than 7, parameter with save facility at user’s
disposal. Parameter Pb91 is not saved at power up and is definitely at zero.
First PLC timer
. Every 6.144 mS if Pr92 is not at 0 the timer is decreased, if set to zero
b99.0 is set at 1.
Second PLC timer
. Every 6.144 mS if Pr93 is not at 0 the timer is decreased, if set to
zero b99.1 is set to 1.
Forces a double word formatted operation
. When the drive is powered up this
parameter is on zero. If it is on one, the first mathematical operation of the pico-PLC is
executed setting the three operands as double word type; after the operation is executed
b94.0 is automatically set to zero.
If Pr60..Pr68 are utilised, double word formatting is automatic (see text).
Disables the first fast input
(b94.5=0). Set to zero at power-up.
Disables the second fast input
(b94.6=0). Set to zero at power-up.
Disables the third fast input
(b94.7=0). Set to zero at power-up.
First timer status.
At 1 if Pr92 = 0
Second timer status.
At 1 if Pr93 = 0
At 1 if the result of the last PLC operation is negative.
At 1 if the result of the last PLC operation is zero.
b99.13 PLC status
. Default=1. If set to 1 the PLC program is executed, if on zero the program is
not executed and modification of PLC instructions is enabled.