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(a) Example of a quality ECG (b) Example of a quality ECG
(c) Example of inverted ECG
(d) ECG while walking
(e) Noisy ECG
(f) Noise
Figure 16: Examples of different signals during measurement.
Pause ECG graph during measurement
To temporary pause the visualisation of ECG and see a particular segment currently being
detected, just tap on the graph. A pause icon will be displayed at the top of the graphic. To un-
pause, tap on the graph once more.
NOTE: This option pauses just the visualization of the measurement. However, the
measurement is still being recorded on the PDA. After unpausing, the application will continue
displaying the current measurement.
Application screen lock
In order to prevent unwanted actions during measurement, there is an option to lock the screen
of the application. When the application screen is locked, users cannot perform any actions,
like start/stop measurement or preform setup. However, the user can still browse through the
application menu.
To lock the screen of the application, select “Lock app” from the application menu. If the lock
option is activated for the first time, users are asked to enter and repeat a password for lock-
unlock. To unlock the application screen, select “Unlock app” from the application menu. On
the next lock-unlock action, the password will be required only for unlock (lock will be
performed without password request).
End measurements
To end the measurement, click on the “Stop” button on the main screen. The status of the
sensor will change to “Disconnected”. If you plan to use the same sensor for further
measurements, it is preferable to keep it in the list of paired Savvy sensors on the main screen.
If you want to remove the Savvy from the list of paired sensors on the main screen, first click