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Visualization of up to 10 seconds of the ongoing measurement.
Storing the measured data on the PDA storage.
Interaction with the user.
Transferring the measurements to a secure storage server or cloud platform.
Accessories of the medical device
Accessories are sold separately and should be provided by user.
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
PDA is an electronic device that runs Android operating system, such as a tablet or a
smartphone. A PDA is compatible with the SAVVY software, if it includes:
Hardware for Bluetooth 4.0 radio communication,
Android versions 4.3 – 6.0,
A colour screen,
At least 2 GB of free storage space,
Intermittent or permanent Internet connection, for example Wi-Fi radio, Ethernet port,
LTE capabilities, etc.; or other means of file transfer between a PDA and a PC,
A means of point and click user input, such as touchscreen or computer mouse,
A means of ASCII symbol set input, such as touchscreen or keyboard.
Note that the MobECG application is supported only on Android versions 4.3 - 6.0. The
manufacturer gives no guarantees that MobECG will work on later versions of Android until
those are thoroughly tested.
Shape, colour and other characteristics of PDA are not prescribed. Off the shelf devices can be
used. Two examples are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Two examples of Android based personal digital assistants: smart phone (left) and tablet (right).
Self-Adhesive Electrodes (SAE)
SAE represent the mechanical and electrical interface between the Savvy sensor and skin. They
holds the weight of the Savvy sensor and therefore they have to be large enough with diameter
or edge dimensions > 50 mm. The SAE must be intended for long-term use which is > 48 hours
and must be medically certified, especially regarding the biocompatibility standards in order to
prevent skin inflammation or allergies. Below are two examples of recommended SAEs: