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Initiation of measurements
After the Savvy sensor is selected, go back to the main screen of the application by clicking
“Back” on the PDA or selecting “Overview” from the application menu. The Savvy sensor is listed
in the Select Savvy section of the main screen, displaying its status, signal strength and battery
level (Figure 11a). Before a measurement is initiated, the status of the Savvy sensor is
To start the measurement, click on the “Start” button. After a short time, the sensor connects
to the PDA. The status of the Savvy sensor changes to “Connected”. When a measurement is in
progress, the MobECG application icon in the task bar changes in an icon shaped like one ECG
beat. Two icons appers on “action bar” – seen on all menus: an icon of BPM and an icon of Mark
event, by pressing on bpm icon will open Ecg graph, pressing on Mark event will open Mark
event menu.
Figure 10: Symbolic design of the Savvy sensor selection.
Figure 11: Symbolic design of the main screen (a) after selection of the Savvy (b) during measurement. (c)
Current condition options.