SAUTER flexotron®400 - RDT410
Pump exercise
If the pump stands still for prolonged periods during the summer there is the risk
of the pump impeller seizing. To reduce this risk the flexotron®400 has a pump
exercise function which will start and run the pump for 5 minutes at 15:00 each
day. In this menu the exercise function can be turned Off if not desired. Default
is On.
Periodic overheating
To reduce the risk of Legionella bacteria growth a periodic overheating of the
water can be configured. The water temperature will be raised to 65°C once daily
at 03:00 (3 am). The elevated temperature is maintained for 10 minutes. In this
menu the overheating function can be turned Off if not desired. Default is On.
Menus X.8
Startpoint for outdoor compensation, S.P (Control mode 2)
Supply air min limit (Control mode 3)
Low temperature setpoint (Control mode 4)
For control mode 2. S.P is the outdoor temperature at which the setpoint
compensation starts. At temperatures lower than S.P a compensation will be
added to the setpoint value. The maximum compensation is set in menu 2.9 and
is achieved at -20°C
For control mode 3 the supply air temperature can be minimum and maximum
limited. In this menu you set the minimum supply air temperature.
For control mode 4 you need to establish a relationship between outdoor
temperature and supply water temperature. This is set by the two setpoints SP
and SP
where SP
is the water temperature to be held at an outdoor
temperature of +20°C and SP
is the water temperature to be held at -20°C.
Intermediate values are calculated with linear interpolation. In this menu you set