a5 (A5)
Setting value for the wind speed alarm
confirmation time
The alarm is activated if the wind speed readings
remain above the threshold value for this time period.
The time set here applies to alarms 1, 2 and 3.
Setting range: 0 to 60 (sec)
a6 (A6)
Setting value for the wind speed alarm
cancellation time
After activation, the alarm is cancelled if the wind
speed readings remain below the threshold value for
this time period.
The time set here applies to alarms 1, 2 and 3.
Setting range: 3 to 60 (sec)
a7 (A7)
Wind direction alarm criteria
Measurement item to determine the wind direction
alarm conditions
0: No alarm output
1: Determined by the instantaneous
wind direction
2: Determined by the mean wind
a8 (A8)
Wind direction alarm section 1, start point setting
Starting angle for the wind direction alarm section 1
Setting range: 0 to 359(°)
a9 (A9)
Wind direction alarm section 1, end point setting
Ending angle for the wind direction alarm section 1
Setting range: 0 to 359(°)
a0 (A0)
Wind direction alarm section 2, start point setting
Starting angle for the wind direction alarm section 2
Setting range: 0 to 359(°)
Wind direction alarm section 2, end point setting
Ending angle for the wind direction alarm section 2
Setting range: 0 to 359(°)
Setting value for the wind direction alarm
confirmation time
The alarm is activated if the wind direction readings
remain within the angle range set by section 1 or 2
for this time period.
Setting range: 0 to 60 (sec)
Setting value for the wind direction alarm
cancellation time
After activation, the alarm is cancelled if the wind
direction readings remain outside the angle range
set by section 1 or 2 for this time period.
Setting range: 3 to 60 (sec)
Display item in the upper wind speed display
3: Instantaneous wind speed, fixed
Display item in the lower wind speed display
4: Mean wind speed, fixed
Display item in the wind direction display section
1: Instantaneous wind direction
2: Mean wind direction