stations" tab), to which an SMS message is to be sent to notify about a change of input
status or occurrence of the particular trouble.
– content of the SMS message that will be sent on the input violation /
exceeding the preprogrammed input voltage value (rise above the defined value at
threshold H or drop below the defined value at threshold L) / occurrence of trouble. The
message may consist of up to 24 characters. It may not contain any diacritical characters.
If the field is left blank, the message will not be sent.
– content of the SMS message that will be sent on the input restore / end of trouble.
The message may consist of up to 24 characters. It may not contain any diacritical
characters. If the field is left blank, the message will not be sent.
Add input voltage value to message
– if this option is selected, information on the current
voltage value at the input will be added to the SMS message about the analog input
For the analog inputs, the messaging parameters are to be defined separately for each
of the defined thresholds.
4.3.6 “Reporting” tab
Fig. 12. “Reporting” tab.
Indicate in the table in which situations the event code is to be sent to the monitoring station.
– select this field if the event code is to be sent to the monitoring station 1.
– select this field if the event code is to be sent to the monitoring station 2.