– voltage on the analog input must rise above threshold L (plus tolerance) or drop below
threshold H (minus tolerance) so that the module can register input restore.
The defined time makes it possible to reduce the number of sent transmissions. Values
from the 0 to 255 seconds range can be programmed.
Fig. 10. Operation manner of analog input. 0 – no violation. 1 – violation. L-T – voltage level L
minus tolerance. L – lower voltage level. L+T – voltage level L plus tolerance. H-T – voltage
level H minus tolerance. H – upper voltage level. H+T – voltage level H plus tolerance.
– select this field if the input is to serve as a blocking input, i.e. its violation will
result in blocking other inputs of the module. Only one module input can perform
the function of blocking input.
– select this field if the input is to be blocked after violation of the blocking input or
sending the SMS message, the content of which can be defined in the tab "Test
transmission, Control".
L threshold
– the lower voltage threshold for analog input. If the voltage drops below
the defined value (minus tolerance), the module will register input violation. Entering value
0 means that the voltage threshold is not controlled.
H threshold
– the upper voltage threshold for analog input. If the voltage rises above
the defined value (plus tolerance), the module will register input violation. Entering value 0
means that the voltage threshold is not controlled. The maximum value that can be
programmed is 16.56 V.
– the voltage value to be subtracted from the defined value at threshold L when
the voltage drops below threshold L or added to the defined value at threshold H when
the voltage rises above threshold H so that the module can register
the programmed value
/ the voltage value to be added to the defined value at threshold L
when the voltage rises above threshold L or subtracted from the defined value at threshold
H when the voltage drops below threshold H so that the module can register
restoration to normal state
. The field is available to analog inputs.
The value obtained after summing up the upper voltage threshold (H) and the
tolerance must not exceed the maximum permissible voltage.
Output OUT1 ÷ OUT4
– the field defines whether the input is to control the output. The
following options are available:
– blank field – input status does not control the output,
– ON – violation of the input or exceeding the voltage value at threshold L or H, as
defined for the input, will activate the output,
– ON for a time – violation of the input or exceeding the voltage value at threshold L or H,
as defined for the input, will activate the output for a period of time,