Alarm Signals
Data or memory failure
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged
Thermostat Probe failure
Alarm output ON; Compressor output according to parameters
“COn” and “COF”
Evaporator Probe failure
Alarm output ON; Defrost termination is timed; No temperature
control on fans.
Insert probe 1, 2, 3, failure
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged; The cycle is made by
Real Time Clock data lost
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged;
Real Time Clock failure
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged; The date and the
duration of the cycle are not available.
Maximum temperature alarm
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged
Minimum temperature alarm
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged.
Fast freezing interrupted by
shortpower failure
Alarm output ON; The freezing cycle restart from the same point at
which was interrupted.
Fast freezing interrupted by long
power failure
Alarm output ON; The freezing cycle restart from the current phase.
Max duration of the cycle is
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged. In any case the cycle
ends when the final temperature is reached
External alarm
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged.
Serious external alarm
Alarm output ON; Other outputs OFF.
Door open alarm
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged.