To initialize multiple locks or initialize locks remotely (Command 45):
Step 1
Set the date & time using the appropriate procedures.
Step 2
Snap the Management touch key into the keypad extension receptacle.
Step 3
4 5 * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 #
Step 4
The yellow LED will remain lit during the initialization process. This process will take up to 90
seconds to complete.
Step 5
Upon successful initialization, the green LED will flash and the keypad will emit three
beeps. If the initialization fails for any reason, the red LED will flash and the lock will emit
one long beep.
Step 6
The touch key can then be removed.
Enable Service
Enter Code
Service Mode Operation
Service mode operations require the input of a Service User
s four digit PIN code, an eight digit operation code, and
presentation of a valid Service touch key. The presentation of the PIN, operation code, and the touch key must be made at
the lock during the date and time window specified by the system operator when the operation code was generated.
The process to be utilized by the Service User at the lock when performing a Service Mode operation is:
Step 1
Insert the User or Manager touch key into the reader port on the keypad extension
Step 2
Input the User or Manager four digit PIN code and press the # key
Step 3
Input the eight digit operation code supplied by the Lock Management System software
and press the # key. The lock will illuminate the yellow LED and show the iButton icon on
the display to acknowledge the Service Mode request and will then process the requested
operation. If the operation is verified and allowed by the lock, the green LED will flash and
emit three beeps. If the request is denied, the red LED will be used in conjunction with a
beep pattern to notify the User of the failure. The display will also show the error code.
Step 4
The touch key may be removed if the operation is complete. If the operation was to access the
lock, the lock will now be unlocked and access can be made. The User has approximately six
seconds from acceptance of the operation code to open the door before the lock
automatically attempts to re-lock.
Step 5
When access is granted, the lock will continue to monitor its
status. When the door
is closed and the lock is
, the User will be prompted to present the touch key to the
reader again to capture a
code from the lock.
The recommended procedure is for the User is to leave
the touch key in the reader for the duration of the access
and securing of the door or to place the touch key back
in the reader prior to securing the door.