User manual
SanStore-4HDX, SanStore-8HDX, SanStore-16HDXS
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5.8 Calling-up the log list
To call-up the menu for the log list, please click on the following symbol in the tool bar:
In the displayed window, the logs are sorted chronologically (the newest log is on top of the
Close the log window by clicking on the X in the upper right corner.
5.9 Panic recording
To call-up the panic recording menu, please click on the following symbol in the tool bar:
If you left-click on the panic recording button, the recording start immediately. It will overwrite
all other recordings which might be running.
While the panic recording is running, the red letter P is displayed in the video image and the
symbol is marked in blue in the tool bar.
The panic record
ing cannot be stopped manually (it won’t stop either if you click on the
symbol in the tool bar again).
Therefore it is recommended to adjust the settings for panic recording prior to a possible
emergency situation.
The settings for panic recordings are adjusted here:
Main menu => Record => Panic (see chapter 7.7.4)
and here:
Main menu => Record => Misc. (see chapter 7.7.5)