S&C Instruction Sheet 461-509
Confi guring the Communication Gateway
The fields are defined as follows:
TCP Keepalive Timer
. This fi eld is a heartbeat timer and is the interval between the
DNP3 keepalive messages sent over a TCP connection.
DNP3 Inactivity Timer
. This is the length of time, in minutes, the gateway will wait
for DNP3 traffi c from a SCADA master before performing recovery actions to restore
DNP3 connectivity. A value of zero (0) disables the DNP3 recovery mechanism.
Disable DNP3 Object Flag Comm_Lost
. This setting disables the Comm_Lost fl ag
in DNP3 standard object fl ags. When enabled, the Comm_Lost fl ag can cause frequent
DNP3 events.
Unsolicited Response
The DNP3 Unsolicited Response panel allows the communications gateway to report
event data to the SCADA master in real time without waiting for a request from the
master. See Figure 48.
Figure 48. The Unsolicited Response panel.