Activity Counters
This page will keep track of this mailbox block's activity. It contains the following statistics. Three columns of statis-
tics exist, Outside or Public callers, Call from other subscribers and Totals.
Mailbox Access Count
The number of times someone other than the subscriber ('Public Callers') accessed this
Mailbox and the number of times the subscriber logged into this Mailbox, regardless of what functions they per-
Messages Sent
The number of messages this subscriber has sent, regardless of destination.
Messages Received
The number of messages this subscriber has received, from 'Public Callers' and from other
Total Connect Minutes
The total amount of time connected to the mailbox.
Current Message Count
The total number of messages in this Mailbox, listed according to those received from 'Public
Callers' and from other subscribers.
NEW Messages
The current message count broken down to reflect how many have not been saved, from both
'Public Callers' and other subscribers.
SAVED Messages
The current message count from 'Public Callers' and other subscribers reflecting how many
have been saved.
Date Last Accessed
The last time the subscriber logged into this Mailbox.
Block Types and Descriptions
Maaiillbbooxx B
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