Menu Block
The Menu is used to speak something to the caller, collect a caller's DTMF entry, and pass control to another Block.
A menu can accept entries from 1 to 10 digits in length.
The Menu performs a search operation to match the caller ENTRY. For example, a Menu prompt may be, "You may
dial an extension directly or for sales press 1, for service press 2". If the caller presses 1, a pointer with an Input
value of <1> directs the caller to an extension group within the phone system called "SALES." If the caller entered
223, the MENU may be configured to search for an extension or mailbox.
When a match is found, the SVMi-8 looks to see if it should translate the imput into a new value before performing
the search. SVMi-8 then transfers control to Block defined in the target name field. This is all done in the in the
Menu Input Processor.
The name of this block. A Block name can be any alphanumeric string up to 16 characters long (including
spaces). A Block name may not be the same as another Block name.
Input Processor Operating Parameters
Take INPUT from
(ENTRY, KEY ,CID, FwdID, TRUNK) - The value which SVMi-8 uses to search INPUT values in the
input processor on Page 2 of 4. To change this value, press ENTER at this field for a pick list of values. Go to the
desired entry and press ENTER.
If a MENU is expecting DTMF digits from the caller, this should be set to ENTRY.
These are used in the menu blocks that handle system integration (Direct Station and
Trunk and Forward Station and Trunk). These should not be changed.
Block Types and Descriptions
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