Exit Prompt
This prompt is given after the response has been recorded. It may simply say "Thank you" to acknowl-
edge the response or prompt the caller to enter DTMF tones to playback, change, or confirm their response.
Error Prompt
This prompt is played if a system error occurs. The most common error condition is that the message
storage disk is full. Example: "Sorry. The message storage unit is full. Please hold the line for assistance".
Invalid Prompt
This prompt is played to the caller when an invalid DTMF entry is made.
Query Script Controls
Repeat Query (0 - 9)
The number of times to repeat the query prompt if the caller does not begin speaking.
Repeat Exit (0 - 9)
The number of times to repeat the Exit Prompt if no DTMF has been dialed.
Auto Replay
Set this parameter to Y to immediately play back the caller response. Otherwise, set to N.
Last Query
If set to "Y" a new message will be created for any subsequent queries during this call session. If this is
set to "N" the responses to any additional queries will be appended to the message created during this call session.
Header Pmt
This prompt is used when the message is being played back. It is followed immediately by the caller's
recorded response. Valid entries are 1000 - 9999, with blank indicating "say nothing." To edit, highlight the desired
field and enter the four-digit prompt number. Press Ctrl + 'O' to bring up the Prompt Text Generator. Edit or review
the prompt as necessary. Example: "Name." (followed by the playback of the name recorded by the caller).
The mailbox to which this response should be sent. If the same mailbox was previously specified by
another QUERY Block (during the same call session and the parameter Last Query was set to 'N' in the previous
Query Block) the voice response to the current query will be appended to the same voice message, forming a com-
posite message. If the mailbox has not been used by another Query block or the parameter Last Query was set to 'Y'
in the previous Query Block, a new voice message will be created.
To edit, press ENTER at this field to bring up the Target Generator. Highlight and open the appropriate Block type.
Select a new or existing Block and press ENTER. Press ‘Ctrl + O’ to review or edit the selected Block.
Caller Interface
Take Input From
This is a list of possible input types. This will usually only be Voice or in some cases DTMF.
Maximum Caller Response (1 - 999 seconds)
The maximum length of recorded response allowed.
Wait for Voice Response (1 - 9 seconds)
This is the time that the SVMi-8 will wait for the caller to begin speaking
a response to the query.
Wait for DTMF Response (1 - 99 seconds)
The time to wait for the caller to enter a DTMF tone in response to the
Exit prompt. The time interval begins after the prompt has been played.
Block Types and Descriptions