Jars (see Fig. 4) have a movable base and can be mixing and dispensing containers.
The jar lid seals the jar without a loss of the active ingredients. As mixing containers,
jars guarantee manufacture in the air-reduced mixing chamber free of evaporation
and contamination. As dispensing containers, jars correspond to the quality assu-
rance guideline of the German Chamber of Pharmacists. The small dispenser ope-
ning without an environmental contamination area guarantees the minimization of
negative quality effects (for e.g. by finger germs) as required by § 13 ApBetrO for the
dispensing of the ointment or cream from the jars.
A jar is a disposable container and cannot be rinsed before use. Otherwise, the inspected
sterility is jeopardized.
jars are supplied in the following sizes:
Nominal volume
(filling volume)
Nominal volume
(filling volume)
Nominal volume
(filling volume)
15 (28) ml
50 (70) ml
300 (390) ml
20 (33) ml
100 (140) ml
500 (600) ml
30 (42) ml
200 (280) ml
1000 (1250) ml
Tab. 2: Jar sizes
Only use jars with a nominal volume up to 500 ml for the SAMIX
Jars are supplied sealed in a film sleeve.
Also after the beginning of the film sleeve it is recommended to store non-used jars in the film
sleeve to protect against possible dust contamination.
jars are subject to regular checks in accordance with ZL packaging regulation DK
II/94. An analysis certificate is issued after batch-defined inspections. The documentation of
primary packaging material in the pharmacy includes the retention of the manufacturer's in-
spection certificate (analysis certificate) after a visual incoming test. This is adhered to the
film sleeve containing the jars. It can be removed from the film sleeve and kept with the
jars are designed for one-off use. Multiple usage as a mixing container is not permit-
ted for hygienic and technical reasons.