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7 MCC- Conference Management
Depending on MCC software to manage conference, participating terminals and
switching the conference mode to achieve a perfect control of the conference
7.1 MCC-Conference Control
The control of conference including Prolong Conf, Conf Password, MT Video
Source and so on.
Go to Boardroom to execute the operations.
7.1.1 Prolong Conf
The time can be prolonged during a timed conference.
Prolong Tips
15 minutes before the end of the conference, there will be a pop-up interface.
Need to prolong the conference, enter the time.
To Prolong Manually
Go to Boardroom, click Settings, select the Prolong Conf in the pop-up menu,
entering the time.
7.1.2 Conf Control
Click Settings in Boardroom interface, select Conf Control in the pop-up menu.
Full Open: Each MCC user can operate the conference and participating MTs;
By Password: password verification is required when other MCC user operate
the conference;
Not Open: The conference is monopolized by the local MCC user, and other
users cannot make any conference operations.
7.1.3 Conf Password
Used to enter or change the conference control password.
Click Settings in Boardroom, select Conf Password in the pop-up menu.
In the Modify Password interface:
Enter the old password;
Enter the new password;
Confirm the new password.