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Chapter 6 SCPI Communication Protocal
6.1 SCPI Communication Command Introduction
SPS8 series programmable DC power supply supports SCPI communication protocol.
SCPI communication protocol is a standard commands for programmable instruments, which defines a
standard set of communication commands.Command for SPS8 series power supply can be divided into two
categories: basic commands (IEEE-488.2 Common Command Set) and command specified by SPS8 series
power supply.
SCPI command is ordered arrangements of tree constructs. Each command contains a number of strings
(mnemonic) . Layers separated by a colon (:). At the top of the command in the command tree known as the
"root shell" or simply "root." Access to the next command, you must specify a path. Ordered tree is structured
as follows:
In the above table: AA represents the root path; BB, CC, DD represents the direct sub-path of root path AA. EE,
FF, GG said that the path is a sub-sub-path under the BB. HH, JJ said that the path is a sub-sub-path under DD.
Command description:
[:] AA: CC
means the current root path for the AA, visit the CC under the AA.
[:] AA: BB: FF
means the current root path for the AA, visit the FF of the sub-path BB under the
[:] AA: DD: HH
means the current root path for the AA, visit the HH of the sub-path DD under the
This command can send more than one order in a message and use a semicolon (;) between each order.
means access to the EE, FF, GG under the BB.
means access to FF under the BB and HH under the DD.
SCPI language mnemonic (keywords) has two farmat: long format and short format. Short format is actually
short for long format. It uses the following rules:
Short format mnemonic is the first four characters of long format mnemonic. If the length of the
long-form mnemonic characters less than or equal to 4, then the long mnemonic is the same as short