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The variables are defined as follows.
i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u
real numbers
Note that all numeric variables can be expressed in integer, floating point or exponential formats (i.e., the number
five can be 5, 5.0, or .5E1). Strings are sent as a sequence of ASCII characters.
4.2.1 Reference and Phase Commands
The PHAS command sets or queries the reference phase shift. The parameter x refers to the
phase (real number, unit: °). The PHAS x command will set the current phase shift to x°.
The value of x is rounded to 0.01°. The phase can be programmed from -180° to +180°. For
example, send command “PHAS -179.0” and the phase shift will be set to -179°. The
PHAS? command queries the phase shift.
The FMOS command sets or queries the reference source. The parameter i selects external
reference (i=0) or internal reference (i=1).
The FREQ command sets or queries the reference signal. The FREQ? command will return
the current reference frequency (internal or external).
The RSLP command sets or queries the trigger way of reference signal when in external
reference mode.
The parameter i selects <TTL> rising edge (i=0) or <Sine> zero crossing (i=1). When the
frequency is less than 1 Hz, the <TTL> reference must be used.
The HARM command sets or queries harmonic detection.The parameter i is an integer
from 1 to 32767. The HARMi command will set the lock-in to detect at the ith harmonic of
the reference frequency. The value i is limited by i*f
120 kHz. If the value of i and f
exceeds 120 kHz, then i will be set to the maximum value that meets i*f
120 kHz.
4.2.2 Input and Filter Commands
The ISRC command sets or queries the input configuration.
The parameter i selects A (single input mode) (i=0), A-B (differential voltage input mode)
(i=1), I (1 MΩ) (current input and the expand is 10
V/A) (i=2) or I (100 MΩ) (current input
and the expand is 10
V/A (i=3).
The IGND command sets or queries the input shield grounding. The parameter i selects
Float (i=0) when the input ground is connected to the instrument ground with a 10 kΩ
resistor or Ground (i=1) when the input ground is connected to the instrument ground with
a 10 Ω resistor.
The ICPL command sets and queries the input coupling. The parameter i selects AC (i=0)