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The default archive. Valid only for <Recall>.
Settings of executing
Executes the current setting
Always off (It switches to <NO> automatically when complete executing the
current setting.)
Do not execute the current setting.
3.6.2 < USB>: USB serial Communication Settings
Choose <USB> in <UTILITY> and enter the submenu in Fig.23 There are 2 function settings in this submenu, including
<Baud Rate> and <Parity>.
Fig.23 [USB] Submenu
<Baud Rate>
Baud rate setting
Set the baud rate through the knob and the left and right buttons. The available
rate is <600>, <1200>, <2400>, <4800>, <9600>, <19200>, <38400>, <43000>,
<56000> <57600>, <115200>, <230400>, <380400>, <460800> and <921600>.
The default baud rate is <921600>.
Parity mode setting.
Even mode.
Odd mode.
None mode.
3.6.3 < RS232>: RS232 Communication Settings