Document Reference: ENG-UMAN-000731
Revision: 5.00
Page 29 of 61
Figure 8.13: Location of ECAP display on the CPA.
The ECAP display shows both a single and an averaged ECAP as well as the correlation filter
used to measure the Feedback Variable (Figure 8.14). The ECAP display shows the current
filter settings and the recommended filter settings, the sampling period, and buttons to
zoom in and out of the Y-Scale.
Figure 8.14: ECAP Display.
Note: Measurement settings are, in order: Sampling Delay, Processing Offset (number of
samples), filter frequency, and number of filter samples.
Touch the ECAP Measurement Settings icon
to open the ‘Measurement and
Feedback Settings’ menu (Figure 8.15). The icon will change to show the Electrode
Display icon
Start stimulation and increase stimulation current (see Section 8.8) so that a clear
ECAP signal is visible and/or above the patient’s paresthesia perception threshold
Graph of ECAP
Zoom out
Zoom in
ECAP (black)
measurement settings
Measurement settings
in use
Correlation filter used
to measure (white)