The UPS is completely shutdown and inactive and loads
are supplied through the manual bypass of the distribu-
tion panel.
5.5.3. Transference to normal mode.
The procedure to transfer from maintenance bypass to
normal mode, is the same for a single UPS or parallel system,
less the quantity of actions to make:
If the protection panel has manual bypass switch:
Turn the output circuit breaker protection/s of the distri-
bution panel to "On" previously, depending if there is a
single UPS or a system of two equipments in parallel.
If the manual bypass switch is manipulated be-
fore turning "On" the output switch/es of the
protection panel, the power supply to the loads will be
Turn the manual bypass switch of the panel to "Off"
(UPS) and put the mechanical lock.
To avoid wrong manoeuvring the mechanical
lock has to be fit, otherwise the equipment and
loads are exposed to serious damages, even the de-
struction of both or fire.
Move the manual bypass switch to position "UPS" and
put the protection cover the manual switch back.
Put back the protection cover of the manual by-
pass switch of all equipments, also check the
torque of the fixing screws, otherwise any of the limit con-
tacts of this cover could be activated and the manual by-
pass too.
In parallel systems proceed with the same operations in
each equipment.
For a single equipment.
Press over the start up key for more than 3 sec-
onds, the acoustic alarm will beep for 1 sec. and the
UPS will start up.
Load/s are protected by the equipment again.
For a parallel system.
Press over the start up key for more than 3 sec-
onds in any of the UPSs and all of them will start up,
finally the parallel system will be on "Normal mode”
Load/s are protected by the parallel system again.