SAHP - Installation Manual
V3 June 2021US - SD667052
Convert °C to °F
Press and Hold P - ‘’ is displayed
Press arrow keys until ‘r.p’ is displayed - Press P
Press arrow keys until ‘In’ is displayed on the controller - Press P
Press arrow keys until ‘I.uP’ is displayed on the controller - Press P
Within I.uP:
C0 = °C with 1° res.
F0 = °F with 1° res.
C1 =°C with 0,1° res.
F1 = °F with 0,1° res.
Press arrow keys until ‘F0’ is displayed on the controller - Press P
Hold U key for 5 seconds - ‘I.uP’ is displayed
Press arrow keys until ‘SP’ is displayed on the controller - Press P
Press arrow keys until ‘S.HS’ is displayed on the controller - Press P
Press arrow keys until ‘130’ is displayed on the controller - Press P
Hold U key for 5 seconds - ‘SP’ is displayed - Press P
Press arrow keys until ‘SPE’ is displayed on the controller - Press P
Press arrow keys until ‘140’ is displayed on the controller - Press P
Hold U arrow key for 5 seconds - ‘SP’ is displayed
Press arrow keys until ‘]rE’ is displayed - Press P
Press arrow keys until ‘r.d’ is displayed - Press P
Press arrow keys until ‘10’ is displayed - Press P
Hold U arrow key for 5 seconds - ‘r.d’ is displayed
Press arrow keys until ‘r.Ed’ is displayed - Press P
Press arrow keys until ‘5’ is displayed - Press P
Hold U arrow key for 5 seconds - Repeat untill main screen is displayed
which will display the current temperature of the water at the
plane of the sensor within the SAHP
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Press arrow keys until ‘130’ is displayed on the controller - Press P
The display will revert to the ‘Main Screen’ which will display the
current temperature of the water at the plane of the sensor within
the SAHP.
measurements from °C to °F. We are then altering the maximum
set point from 55°C to 130°F. DO NOT increase the set point
temperature above 55°C / 130°F. If you do this may invalidate the