Site technical documentation EC 2005 myZ 5
attached with the handset ( not connected to the handset).
6.2. Accessories :
For the accessories received without the handsets, the procedure is the following:
Accessories return procedure to Sagem Montauban to be used. The Repair Centre shall indicate on
the parcel Acces model (ex : myC 3-2) for the accessories received in the Repair Centre
without the handsets.
7. Sagem Montauban
Sagem Montauban will ship back to the Repair Centre the same quantity of handsets and
accessories as the quantity received.
8 Additional information about the no fault found
In any case: Ask to the end-user the frequency of the defect and the circumstances of its apparition
(during an incoming or out-going call, while playing, while downloading, etc.). Try to answer the
questions: Where? When? How?
· If the customer complains about a “Power supply / charging” failure : (shutting down of the
mobile, problem of booting, etc.);
o During which operation ? In which circumstances ?
o What is the state of the battery and the charger before shipment to the repair centre ?
If the mobile shuts down by itself, must he enter his code pin, adjust the date and the hour when
rebooting the phone?
·If the customer complains about a communication problem:
oWhat are his residence zone and the reception level of the mobile (Number of receipt bar);
oWhat is the state of the battery when the defect appears?
oIn case of loss of communication :
§With or without total extinction of the mobile?
§Does the loss of communication occur always in the same place and with the same person?
§Does the loss of communication occur while browsing in the menus, during the
communication, or during playing or downloading?
·If the customer complains about a problem of blockage of key of the keyboard:
oIn which circumstances does the problem occur?
oDid he activate the keypad locking ?
oDid he change or remove the upper cover ?
oWhich are the non functioning keys ?
The following tools are necessary to carry out maintenance operations :
REF MTB DTS 9- Indice B - December 09 2005
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