– Installation guide
Section 1 : Introduction
2015_2000009096 V4
May 2017
This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho.
They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho
To secure properly an access, Morpho recommends installing the MorphoWave
terminal as a part of the typical Access Control environment, described in the figure
Figure 1: Implementation Recommendations
This environment comprises:
The MorphoWave
OEM terminal itself
Its role is to perform one-to-many biometric identification or one-to-one biometric
verification, i.e. to identify the individual who is presenting his hand on the terminal
sensor by comparing his biometric data with the references previously stored in the
terminal database (in the form of biometric templates).
An Access Controller (3rd party product)
The Controller is the element which controls the access rights of the individuals to the
secured area. For that reason, it must be located in the secured area.
The individuals who are authorized to access the secured area have their User ID listed
in a so-called "White List" (in contrast with a black list).