16.04.2003 Rev. 1C
8 (14)
Manual operation
Connect line 1 or 2 line control by means of
Start pump by means of
function. Program does not start the pump, unless
line control is connected. Time display shows pumping time.
3. Pump can be stopped by pressing Alarm acknowledgement button on the cover or by
selecting code
at the display and by pressing
pump stops, the pumping time used remains on the display. Line control remains
Switch control
in the pressure switch operation the pump stops when the switch is closed and re-starts
when the switch is re-opened
in the pressure transmitter operation the pump is stopped when pressure reaches the set
high limit and is re-started again when pressure goes below the high limit value
Forced control
pump operates regardless of the pressure control unit status
Pumping time
Pumping time always starts at zero status, when pump is started.
When switch control is being used, time value is not reset, when the pump is stopped and
started through the pressure monitoring unit control system
Transferring out of manual control mode
One can transfer out of Manual control mode and into Automatic mode by selecting the code
into the value display and by pressing
button after that. System also
returns automatically to Automatic mode, if 60 minutes has gone since Manual control was
taken into use or if control center triggers a low limit alarm. Also re-starting the center returns it
to Automatic control mode.
When Manual control mode is turned off, all line controls and pump control are disconnected.
Interval time is counted also during Manual control mode. In Automatic control mode, the center
starts pressurization, when the set delay time from the termination of Manual control mode has
expired (pressure switch operation) or when pressure in the pressurized lines is below the set
low limit value (pressure transmitter operation).
3.4 Lubrication cycle counter
All lubrication cycles performed by the center can be displayed by selecting code
in the
value display.
In grease lubrication system counter reading unit is added after one lubrication cycle, in other
words after every other pressurization. In oil lubrication system each pressurization is added on
to the counter.
3.5 Power failure
The set values and program status are preserved in the center memory also during power
failures. After power is back on, the center will resume from the status it was before power
failure occurred. Possibly terminated pressurization event is re-started for the same line.
Interval time is not counted during power failures.