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EVAC v1.24 EN
The floor stations need to have a unique CAN-bus
node ID. The ID is set with the address selector
and can be set to a vaule between 1 and 99.
Please see “EVAC wiring and address selection”,
on page 5-7, for the system setup.
NOTE: ID 0,0 is only used to specify a car station.
All inputs and outputs on a floor station are
configurable through the setup menu of the
entrance station.
Floor stations are named using three characters,
which must be either letters, a-z, or numbers,
All outputs and inputs are disabled.
EVAC mode
Any output configured as “alarm button ack”
flashes to indicate that the unit is in EVAC mode.
Any input configured as “alarm button” will send
an alarm to the entrance station when activated.
When the entrance station has registered the
alarm, the input is disabled and the outputs, that
are configured as “alarm button ack”, will change
the LED flashing frequency.
Floor stations are set to EVAC mode as default
if they are activated and have a lower CAN-bus
node ID than the configured number of units in
the system. All other floor stations are set in
FIRE mode
Two floor stations and the car station can be
used as fire units. The car station is automatically
a fire unit. The floor stations that should be fire
units need to be configured in the setup menu.
When in FIRE mode, the car station is always
connected to the audio bus and all sounds
transmitted will be audible through the car
station speaker. When a car station input is
configured as “alarm button” the speaker will be
deactivated, the microphone activate, and the
unit will be transmitting sound onto the audio
The entrance station is the master of the EVAC
system. All intelligence is located in the entrance
station and all decisions are made by it. If the
entrance station does not function properly, the
system will not work.
In STANDBY mode the screen will display standby
text while the backlight is turned off.
Each input configured as EVAC or FIRE mode are
active, whilst all other inputs are deactivated.
If any of the active inputs are set to high the
system will enter EVAC or FIRE mode.
All outputs are deactivated.
EVAC mode
Each input configured as “PTT” (Push to talk) is
activated. The EVAC menu is displayed.
Outputs configured as “EVAC” or “PTT ack” are
FIRE mode
When the FIRE mode screen is activated on the
entrance station, the floor station will switch into
FIRE mode. The floor station configured as a fire
unit will be connected to the audio bus and any
sound on the bus will be audible on the unit. If the
PTT input is activated, the unit will transmit on
the bus and the speaker will be turned off.